Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another one off to school!

This week we waved Esme off to school for the first time!  She was super excited to go.  She's been hanging out to start Prep since Jacob started school a couple of weeks ago (our kids go to Steiner school and they start Prep a bit later than regular schools).  It's a little strange sending the second child off to school.  For some reason it seems a little easier.  And we've also felt that she's been well and truly ready for a long time! 

There were no tears when we dropped her off (from her or me!) and she settled in very quickly with her friends.  It helps a lot that most of her group from Kinder have continued on to Prep.  The program itself is very similar to the Kinder program as well so it makes for an easy transition for all the kids.  She had a great week at school and has been asking all weekend when she gets to go again!!


Sue Walker said...

Oh goodness she is so grown up! How is she enjoying school Narelle?

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