Friday, July 22, 2011

For Avery

Dear Avery,

I've been trying to write this post for days now. But I'm struggling to express my thoughts and feelings. There are no right words to describe how absolutely heart broken I am for you and your beautiful family. It's not right that you had to leave this world so soon. It's not right that your Mama never got to hear you cry for that very first time or to feel you move outside of her tummy.

I'm sure you know how just how much you were wanted and loved. I feel privileged and honoured to have shared you and your Mama's journey through pregnancy (if only through the online world!) The deep love she has for you has been there right from the start. I've loved hearing about your journey together and sharing in her excitement about you. I hope you know too, what an amazing Mama you have too. She has shown such amazing strength in sharing your story.

I find myself looking down at my sleeping baby's face often and thinking of you, Avery. There was only meant to be one weeks difference between your due date and my baby's due date. How is it fair that I get to keep mine and your Mama doesn't get to keep you? This was meant to be such a special time. It was meant to be a healing time for everything that has happened in the past.

I promise you though, that your life hasn't been in vain. I know that you have already taught your Mama many things in this short time you had on Earth but I want you to know that you have taught me something also. You have taught me to treasure and cherish every moment I have with my little baby. You have taught me to have patience when he is upset, to hold him every moment I can and to not wish the time away too quickly.

Your memory will live on, and never be forgotten. Your journey has touched so many people already and I know that it will continue to touch many more. My thoughts are with your Mama, Dada and big sister now and always.

Love Narelle

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