Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Recycled toilet paper

Do you use it? Have you used it in the past?

I usually just buy whatever toilet paper is on special when I do the shopping. I've never really given it much thought. But a few recent trips to the Zoo have changed my thinking.

At Zoos Victoria they are running a 'Wipe for Wildlife' campaign. It was at the Healesville Sanctuary a couple of months ago that we first learnt how toilet paper is the biggest cause of destruction to our forests and habitats for animals. I had no idea! If someone had asked me before this what I thought was causing the most damage to our trees I probably would have said paper.

I heard this message and thought that I probably should change our toilet paper brand but then it slipped my mind until another visit to the Zoo a couple of weeks ago where I was reminded again. So, the other day when I did the fortnightly shopping and we needed toilet paper I chose recycled toilet paper.

I was really surprised to find that the cost of the recycled toilet paper was actually cheaper than the other stuff (I'm one of those sad people who look at the cost comparison on the price tag - the recyled stuff was 21 cents a sheet compared to 35 cents a sheet for normal which was on special too!)

The recycled toilet paper actually feels quite soft as well and not at all what I had imagined (I have vague memories of our family using recycled toilet paper many years ago and it being horribly scratchy)

It remains to be seen whether this recycled toilet paper will live up to the standards of regular toilet paper. But you know what? For the price of saving some wildlife, I don't think I really mind ;)

Will you take the pledge with me?
There's more information about it all here or you can even 'follow' on facebook!


Unknown said...

I will! I recently said on my blog I would re-visit this issue and this is just the motivation I needed!

life in a pink fibro said...

I'm in. Like you, I tend to buy whatever's on special, but I'll take the time to investigate more thoroughly.

Narelle said...

Awesome :) I'm still waiting to finish all our old stuff first :S

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