Monday, February 21, 2011

Pet themed sensory tub

I've loved the idea of sensory tubs as an activity for kids for ages. I just never seem to find the time to get around to making them. This week though I was inspired to make one for the kids I teach. Sensory activities are an important part of learning for children with multiple disabilities. We've been reading a book about a dog in the class recently so I decided to make a sensory tub that incorporated items around this.

Included in the tub were the following:

Dry dog food
Rawhide bones
Tennis balls
A dog collar
A dog brush
A rope tug toy
A food treat ball
A metal food bowl

I tried to include items that had different textures, smells, tastes and sounds in order to give lots of sensory input. The food treat ball made a squeaky noise when shaken. The brush could be gently used on a students arm/leg. The food could be eaten (although we did try to deter that!) and smelt, etc.

The good thing about doing this tub was that I could also give it to my kids to explore. They loved playing in it - especially trying to find all the little bones in the dry dog food! It also allowed them to practice skills such as pouring and manipulating. I gave them containers to pour the dog food into. They also practiced putting the dry dog food into the hole in the food treat ball.

The kids check out what's in the sensory tub

Jacob holds out a handful of dry dog food - including the little bones he'd found.

Putting the dry dog food into the treat ball - it required some concentration!

Visit We play at Childhood 101 for more great play ideas!


Joy said...

Just make sure the children wash their hands thoroughly afterward. I read an article recently about the salmonilla and other sickness inducing yuckiness on dog food and stopped letting my daughter pick up my dog's food bowl.

Kristi @ Creative Connections for Kids said...

This is truly a unique sensory tub!! I never would have thought of it. :)

Narelle said...

I would love to read that article if you have a link, Joy. I just can't see how a newly opened packet of dog food can be a salmonella risk. Otherwise how would it be approved for use for our pets?

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